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Hey everybody I'm Houth. This blog is mainly a devotional/poetry blog. I honestly hope that it encourages you in your own personal walk with God. If not, thank you for looking at the blog anyway :) Enjoy my poetry and devotionals. May they bless your heart and feel free to let me know if they do. Have a great day!


Thursday, May 23, 2013

Why Do I Keep Writing About Love?

This isn't a poem. I'm taking a sort of break from those for now. It's been a while since I've shared what's on my mind and heart. To put it out there first of all, thank you for reading this blog. It is greatly appreciated and I honestly hope that it helps you in your life in some way. 

I tend to write poems with a specific theme. As many of you can probably guess I enjoy writing about romance and relationships. Whether this is between two people or our relationship with God, I can't help but write with this specific theme. I know what some of you might be thinking:

- He's so sensitive
- Dude you need to lay off the rom coms
- No one actually reads your stuff bro
- What a sap
- Will he stop writing this lovey dovey crap
- What's so great about love man?
- Just shut up already with this long list of imaginary quotes

It's true that some of you are thinking that way now. I would like to first address that if you don't like my writing than by all means you don't have to read it. Some may disagree with how much I share about my life and some may think it's a blessing. Either way, I would like to say that I am smart enough to keep specific details of my life between be and a few close friends. However, there are plenty of things in my life that I believe people can relate to. This is a great transition into what I want to talk about next. The best way that I can explain why I write this theme over and over again is quite simple. 

I truly believe that love is the most powerful experience, thing, entity, feeling and force ever.

My parents officially divorced when I was 19 years old but were separated since I was 10.
The thought of marriage scares me to my absolute core.
As much as I write about love time and time again, the idea of spending life with another is simultaneously terrifying, intriguing and beautiful.
We are all made to love something and in our world today there are so many things to love.
I'm not going to bother listing anything out you guys are smart enough to think of a few things right now.
I've probably said this before but it's good to say it again.
Even though my parents are divorced, I believe that my marriage won't end the same way.
There are plenty of scenarios that have played out in my head that would test this statement.
I get it and I have no evidence to persuade you as to why I believe this.
The reason I have faith is because I choose to believe that God is love.
And if I truly believe in my mind and heart that this is real, I will also believe that He will never leave me.
I want to demonstrate this same love to the future Mrs.
I've talked to numerous couples from all across the spectrum:

- Newly engaged couple
- Newlyweds
- Married for 1 year, 2 years, 3 years, 4 years, 8 years, 18 years, 20 years, 30 years.

I'm only 22 and I know that marriage takes work. Though I may not know the extent to how much is put in, I do know that it will be the most challenging and rewarding part of your life.
And with this statement, I will also say that it is great that I am single.
What better time to prepare for the rest of my life than right now?
I've made plenty of relationship mistakes in my life and will probably make a whole lot more.
I've second guessed my actions, blamed God for a lot of problems in those relationships and even used Him as a scapegoat.
Getting into a dating relationship is not going to automatically fix those problems and personal insecurities. I've had that mindset for so long and it is wrong!
I need to be responsible for my own growth as a person.
Anyway, I need to focus on what God has called me to right now.
I have a job to do, a ministry to serve and people to love.
More importantly, there is a God that I have done wrong over and over again.
I've been so selfish with my time and my relationship with God is becoming more of an obligation.
If the non-negotiable for dating is whether or not the woman loves and fears God, I should be able to say that I love and fear Him too.

To kinda end this little whatever it may be, I will say that I have no idea when God will grace me with a wife.
He can honestly take His sweet time because I know I'm not ready.
If He says otherwise then I don't know really. I'd probably be praying a bunch about it.
Everyone says, "You'll just know."
This is probably the most helpful advice for single people (completely sarcastic).
But, I will probably say the same thing when it happens to me which does not help the future teenagers I will undoubtedly talk to in the future.
I like where I'm at in life.
Sometimes it's hard. When I see friends get engaged or married, it kinda makes me think about when it will happen to me.
I don't have it all figured out and I'm not always optimistic.
There are times when waiting really sucks and I want to settle for the next cute girl I see.
This is my struggle and it's a good thing.
Even though there are times I would like to settle I never go through with it.
I blame it on a couple of awesome ex-girlfriends and some really godly women in my life.
So for my fellow single friends out there, I understand some of your frustrations and happiness.
Love is real.
Even though circumstances and past experience may point to the contrary, I'm here to say that love is just as alive today as it was yesterday.
It's worth waiting for, worth sharing and worth a lifetime.
Love is and will always be, above everything.

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