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Hey everybody I'm Houth. This blog is mainly a devotional/poetry blog. I honestly hope that it encourages you in your own personal walk with God. If not, thank you for looking at the blog anyway :) Enjoy my poetry and devotionals. May they bless your heart and feel free to let me know if they do. Have a great day!


Friday, March 29, 2013

For Those Who Want To Dive

What I lack would persuade you
If only it came so readily upon your sight
But it stands with me on the high dive,
Unwilling to jump…
And so I stand in front of you
Stumped and internally frustrated
Where risk and reward meet I find myself tucked in the corner
Reaching high for the prize
But pulling back as sight moves forward
You see, one question would make the difference
It would tear down the walls,
Break the ice as it were
Thus creating a masterpiece called opportunity
But the dive is high,
The water deeper still and opportunity is rapidly melting away
With every second passing the puddle becomes bigger
I’m begging you to please give me more time
Don’t walk away just yet
Sixty seconds left on the clock and time starts now
-The water is waiting to be tested
Get rid of your inhibitions
And give risk a taste
*But what if time is invested
And it turned out to be a waste
I don't want to go from shallow to deep
Only to find it that it was shark infested
I don't want to get hurt or barely come out alive
-This isn't life or death
It’s only a dive
You’re more than capable
And more than prepared to handle this next step
*I’m going to jump but what if I sink to the bottom?
You’re not catching me when I fall
And gravity can be very unforgiving
What if my form looks ugly because I stalled for too long?
I’m not so sure about this
-Calm down...
Pray for peace to give your mind some clarity
Do what comes naturally
Opportunity is still intact
And in all actuality
Fear is more bark than bite.
Faith is on your side
So forge ahead to the edge of the diving board
And as I said before,
Free yourself of those inhibitions
You can do this
*Well then…
Here goes nothing…

For the Average Man

Man up...
Recognize your responsibility
And live up to them
Expect pressure to be overwhelming
Stress to be suffocating
And difficulties to be only the beginning
Don't be some sissified male
Giving in to temptation and sin with the
Same ease as opening a door
Put aside your masculine pride
And embrace your identity as
A soon to be immaculate bride
A prodigal son
A friend who is forgiven by the one who was forsaken
Let this old life go
It is done
Wake up...
From your dream of complacency
Sleeping in your bed of fickleness
And keeping your body lukewarm with
A blanket of apathy
This life is no illusion
Reality is confusing
But don't be delusional or naive to think
That your life is not worth living
You're only fooling yourself
If you believe that standing on the sidelines is better than fighting on the front lines.
Just sit down junior
Don't stand up unless you're going to step up.
Have some backbone
Live with integrity and character
Look past the fear from circumstance
With a faith founded on truth
And a hope based on love
You can pretend to be a man
With your solo acts of selfishness
Screaming for attention
Simultaneously scared of sensitivity
No one is stopping you
Because the real men are walking in the opposite direction.
You can join us when you're done behaving like a brat and become a child at heart.

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

For Those Who Want to Climb the Mountain

The mountain stands
Proud and tall
Ready to be moved,
To crumble and to fall
I've climbed it before
To elevate my ego
But it was all in vain
I couldn't handle the terrain while fighting 
the gravity of ambition and the slippery slope of sin
Never again shall I climb this mountain
Because this mountain is not for the genuine or honest man
It's a haunting realization of what a worldly man looks like
Proud and tall
Ready to be moved,
To crumble and to fall
This glorified hill
Majestic in stature and
Even appealing to the eye
It may be taller than the lilies in the grass
But as mighty as it may stand
And boast of the land in owns
It can easily be surpassed by an even more majestic sky
Eclipsed by the lightest of clouds
And moved by one mustard seed alone
Climb the mountain if you will
As I will not stop you
But don't humor the enemy
And do so out of duty
It's not a mountain of obligation
But a place of false identity
And unnecessary salvation
The ascent brings a sense of freedom from guilt
Yet, when it returns indefinitely
You'll find that you've been descending and
Heading towards eternity
But there's always another path
As Frost once said that "will make the difference"
It will separate the man from the child
The clean from the vile
The one who sings of deliverance and
The one who worships the idol
So why insist on the tough climb when
There's a path worth taking
Filled with people walking and talking at the same time
Let us scoff at this obstruction
For it holds no authority on masculinity
It's an obstacle in the way
That can easily be moved
Show me your faith
And an enemy to prove wrong
Because to truly be a man is not measured by
The width of his wealth or
The height of his name
Such things have no depth
Much of it is glorified
But it is only a hill
True masculinity calls upon us to be still,
To be eclipsed by a greater love and
Surpassed by a stronger purpose

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

For Those Feeling Defeated

My friend David still has a copy of a poem I wrote a few years ago.
I remember that he used it as a devotional tool for the A Capella choir one time when he was one of the chaplains.
After reading it over again, it encouraged me so much that I wanted to share with you.
Of course, I updated it a little to make it grammatically correct.
The only line I added was, "The Way, the Truth and the Life."
Other than that, everything is the same. 
May this bless your heart :)

Stay Strong
By: Houth Som

Stay strong
In circumstances
That may tempt you
Persuade you
To do what is wrong
Stay strong
This earthly place is 
Not where you belong
Someday you’ll be in paradise
With the maker of heaven and earth
One of matchless worth
The Way, the Truth and the Life
Stay strong
When living selflessly
You’re misunderstood
By those who conform
To the patterns of this world
Confused, they assume
What is good is what they can gain
Stay strong
The Lord will guide you
Past every hurt and pain
He will sustain you
Pick you up once again
Stay strong
In the shadow of His wings
So you can sing and dance
In worship to the Most High whose
Blessings flow from heaven
And outnumber all the raindrops that
Fall from the sky
Stay strong
For the worries of this place will
As you finish the race
It’s not long
Until you meet Him face to face
And hear the words,
“Well done my good and faithful servant.”
As you wait for these spoken words
Stay strong in His promise