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Hey everybody I'm Houth. This blog is mainly a devotional/poetry blog. I honestly hope that it encourages you in your own personal walk with God. If not, thank you for looking at the blog anyway :) Enjoy my poetry and devotionals. May they bless your heart and feel free to let me know if they do. Have a great day!


Monday, July 18, 2011

This is My God

For the first time in awhile I went to this awesome church in North Quincy known as Glad Tidings Church.
I love going there for their powerful worship services and I knew that that was what I needed lately. 
One of the songs that they were leading that morning was "This is Our God" by Hillsong. 
The words in that song are so powerful, to say the least. 
I couldn't help but to lose myself in the music and words of the song in worship.  
These are the lyrics to the song:

Your grace is enough
More than I need
And your word I will believe
I wait for you
Draw near again
And your spirit make me new
And i will fall at your feet
I will fall at your feet
And i will worship you here

Your presence in me
Jesus light the way
By the power of your word
I am restored
I am redeemed
By your spirit i am free
And i will fall at your feet
I will fall at your feet
And i will worship you here

Freely you gave it all for us
Surrendered your life upon that cross
Great is your love
Poured out for all
This is our God

Lifted on high from death to life
Forever our God is glorified
Sovereign king
Rescued the world
This is our God

When you read through these lyrics, what goes through your mind?
Do you understand the weight of these lyrics? The magnitude of the words? The boldness it takes to say these things and to actually believe it in your heart as well?
It is one thing to say, "This is our God."
It is another to declare with all that you are in your heart and soul, "THIS IS MY GOD!"
A quote that a very close friend of mine shared with me the other night made me reexamine my life.
"What have you done today that only a Christian would do?"
Now, I know what you're thinking. With so many, Christians in the world misrepresenting God, how would anyone really know what that even means?
Think about it. 
A Christian is essentially a Christ follower. 
What have we done today to show that we follow Christ?
Let's go deeper.
If we say that we follow God, would our heart say so? Would the people around us actually believe this bold statement?
Believe it or not, being a Christian means that you are an ambassador of God. You are adopted into His Family. You are cleansed by the blood of Jesus.
To be a Christian is to be bold. In my opinion, some of the boldest people in the world are not extroverted and adventurous.  Some of the boldest people in the world are those who declare with all that they are,
Jesus Christ is MY God.
How bold is it to say that not only out loud but in the very depths of your heart too?
The God of the universe.
The One who was and is and is to come.
The God who sent His Son to bridge the gap between us and Him.
The God who loves us no matter how many times we have hurt Him and wronged Him.
The God who is so patient when we make the same mistakes over and over and over again.
The God who blesses us even when we dishonor His Name.
The God who creates in us a clean heart.
The God who says that we are priceless even when everyone else says we're worth nothing.
The God who died an innocent death on a cross and NOT ONCE did He wish on us what we deserved...death...
The God who leaves the 99 sheep to find the 1 that left the herd.
The God who provides for our every need.
The God who understands every single pain we go through.
The God who knows every strand of hair on our head.
The God who is Holy, Just, and Merciful is jealous for us.
The God of the universe cares about you so much that He never wants you to settle for anything less than His best.
You can have everything in this world:
Money, treasures, fame, adoration and a million friends/followers on Facebook/Twitter.
The person who declares in the depths of their heart, "This is my God," They're the ones who are satisfied.
They're the ones who are truly bold and courageous.
It takes a real man, a real woman to follow God to declare in their life that He is their God.
Before you go to sleep tonight, what have you done today that only a follower of Christ would do?
Before you answer this or decide to take this challenge on for the day, don't take this lightly.
This is not for the half-hearted and luke warm Christians.
This is a challenge for the truly bold to stir up their spirits.
We say we follow Christ, inside and out...
And spread that love and passion for God into your world of influence.
Be bold.
Declare with all that you are, in times of trial, pain, joy, sadness, anger, and praise,

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