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Hey everybody I'm Houth. This blog is mainly a devotional/poetry blog. I honestly hope that it encourages you in your own personal walk with God. If not, thank you for looking at the blog anyway :) Enjoy my poetry and devotionals. May they bless your heart and feel free to let me know if they do. Have a great day!


Friday, January 18, 2013

For Single People Who Complain

Lately, there have been a lot of engagements, weddings and new relationships. Being a single guy I look on my Facebook, post a "Congrats!" on respective walls and move on. Occasionally, I like to think about getting into a relationship myself and if I feel really depressed, throw a pity party or self loathing social. I'm pretty sure a lot of single people out there feel jealous or envious when they see their friends end up in one of the three categories mentioned. Let's be honest single people, envy got to you at least once. This is not going to be a very long rant or anything but I really hope that you continue to read and soak it all in.

First of all, GET OVER YOURSELF!

Hold on...that seemed a little harsh to start off. Let's try this again.

Get over yourself...

There! Not as bad when it's not in all caps right?

Second, stop listening to those sappy love songs, watching those romance movies (that make you binge on ice cream) and for goodness sake quit trying to make other people feel sorry for you on Facebook/Twitter

Singleness is not a sentence, it's a season. 
It does not last forever (unless God called you to a lifetime of singleness like a couple of people I know).

Third, stop settling for Mr. or Miss. Right Now.
He's not gonna put a ring on it and probably won't change his ways.
She's gonna be end up being someone's baby mama or yours if you don't watch yourself.
Adopt some godly standards. Look up the Bible and read up on what that entails.

Fourth, work on the relationships you have going on right now! You have friendships, family ties and/or church family. Get closer to them! 

Lastly, get active outside and not on your Facebook or Twitter. Get involved in a ministry, do those hobbies you love so much and/or learn something new! Understand that you are single right now and if God has marriage in store for you, then you better go to the store, pick up some groceries and start learning how to cook. This goes for both guys and girls.

Ladies and gentlemen, enjoy yourselves and the time that is set apart right now to grow as a person. Start saving up on a ring fellas and in general. Love doesn't pay the bills so get yourself a job and get out of debt. I can tell you one thing will be certain. She's not gonna want to live in a run down apartment, sleep on your college futon and eat ramen noodles for dinner for the rest of her life. And if she becomes the bread winner in your family, that's fine. But you are still the priest of your family. You are the spiritual head of the household so you better start studying up on Jesus. Why? Easy. That's what a real man looks like.

Ladies, the guys you attract depend on the bait you throw out. Be careful about how you dress and the pictures you post on Facebook. I'm not saying you should wear winter clothing all year round.
I get that it is extremely hard to stay fashionable and be modest. Believe me, I work in retail. I get it. But, you can be modest and still look/feel good about yourself. You don't want a boy, you want a man. Let him be attracted to what really matters. You're not gonna look this good forever so put away those duck faces and understand that one you'll get wrinkles like your mom.

Most importantly, your relationship with God is the most important part of this whole equation. It's easy to say but really think about it. The God of the universe wants a deeper relationship with you. Marriage is supposed to show us what our relationship with God is supposed to look like. Why do you think the Bible refers to the church as the Bride of Christ? Think about adultery. If you were to get married right now with Mr. or Miss Perfect, how much would it hurt if after your honeymoon they cheat on you with someone else? Hurt won't even begin to describe it right? You would be absolutely devastated! To lust is to commit adultery. We have all cheated on God and deserve to be stoned to death! One of my favorite lines from Chris Tomlin is this:

You see the depths of my heart and you love me the same.

Let that soak in. He sees you for the cheating bride that you are and it DOES NOT CHANGE how much he cares for you and it didn't change his mind to die for you. It doesn't seem so harsh now for you to get over yourself right?

One last thing to leave you with is that marriage with another person is only temporary. This does not mean that you shouldn't love them with everything you got and work on your marriage until you die. What I am saying to you single people is that marriage is only a glimpse of what true paradise will be like when we are in heaven. Your first marriage is with God and everything else is second. I know that it hurts right now to be waiting and staying patient. I get it. It sucks. But you know what, it is humbling to understand that what you're going through may be of help for someone else. How does this help you? Well, when you get married, you will understand what sacrifice will really mean. Better to get it through your mind now that it's not all about you and what you want.

Get your stuff together people...

One more time for emphasis.


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